
Flatten Your Class

Are you looking to tear down your classroom walls? Well, we’re here to help.

We provide virtual field trips (VFTs), guest speakers, and collaborations to supplement your curriculum. We strive to make our programs interactive, unique, and an experience that will get your students excited about global education. Our goal is to help you create a space for your students to thrive as global citizens.

Be social | Be local | Be global

Learn around the wold!



GEOshow is our guided, mass virtual field trip experience. What does that mean? First of all, our virtual field trips are guided by a live host that you will interact with during the show. Secondly, GEOshow is a mass event. You will be attending with many other classrooms and individual learners. GEOshow VFTs are geared for the 2-5 grade learner, but all are welcome. If you are looking for a private virtual program for your high school, adult, or younger participants; check out our GEOtours.


GEOtour is a private virtual experience. The difference between this and the GEOshow is that these programs are tailored to your specific group. We’ll adjust our facilitation style to your group’s age and will even customize the experience for your particular needs, within reason of course 😉 You can schedule a GEOtour for one connection or you can schedule a multi-point connection for your entire grade, building, or sister site. Contact us with any question or to schedule a GEOtour. Let’s explore.


We occasionally host guest speakers to give your learners an opportunity to meet someone from another culture. Join our GEOtalks to interact with a guest speaker and to ask all about their culture. Some of our favorite questions from past programs include: “Do you have an X-box?” “Do you have astronauts?” “What time do you go to school” And of course; “What’s your favorite food?” Check-in with our event calendar to find out when our next GEOtalk will be. Join the journey and keep exploring!


Learn Around The World Network Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Our Mission

Learn Around The World’s mission is to promote global awareness and digital citizenship to K-12 students and the general public.

To accomplish this, we take classrooms around the world on guided, virtual experiences to learn about new cultures, history, and natural wonders.

Virtual Field Trips 

With the video conferencing and social media tools available in today’s classrooms, former barriers such as money, access, time and distance have been essentially eliminated from getting students out of the classroom and into the world. Classes are visiting locations such as space stations, underwater marine labs, and foreign countries in the span of just one school day…AND…it’s all live interaction!

With the launch of GEOshow in the Spring of 2015, Learn Around The World (i.e., learnATW) jumped to the forefront of the virtual field trip revolution. Today, learnATW is pushing Virtual Field Trips to the limit with it’s unique, authentic programming!

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